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Watchman Clocks
Click on an image for more information.
Click for more info on the Amano PR-600 Electronic Watchhman Clock
Click for more info on the Acroprint ARES-III PC Based Watchman System

Ensure the Protection of your Facility and Property with a Watchman Clock, Guard Tour System.

Property damage from Vandalism and Theft is a constant problem for Business and Property owners. Preventing "Liabilty Risks" and maintaining security is another challenge that faces Correctional and Institutional facilities.

Our Watchman Clocks and Watchman Systems provide facilities and businesses with a reliable and accurate system to record Rounds, Tours and Incidents by Security personnel and Watchman guards.

“Let us provide a Guard Tour Recording solution for your facility”        

We Specialize in Watchman's Clock Equipment to meet your exact requirements. Find information on Amano PR600 Watchman's Clock and the powerful Acroprint ARESIII Watchmans Clock System. Call Toll-Free 1-888-838-5391 or Contact us via E-Mail.

        Choose from either a…

           * Traditional Watchman Clock Recorder
                 1) At each recording station, the Guard Turns the numbered Station Key
                      in the Watchman Clock Recorder.             
                2) This produces a hardcopy Record Tape, that includes the Station Key
                        Number, Date, Hour and Minute for each check point that was visited by                        the watchman.

           * Digital Watchman Recording Clocks and Reporting System
                 1) The Guards starts his or her "Shift" by touching the Guard Badge i-button
                     to the Data Recorder.
                 2) At each check point, the Guard simply touches the Data Recorder to
                     the i-button station.
                 3) The Data Recorder is then downloaded to the watchman Clocks ARESIII                        Tour Software.
                       Powerful Reporting is then available...Sort data by Date/Time, Guard,  Data
                      Recorder and i-button station numbers.           


* Guard Control
* Material Tracking
* Machine Monitoring
* Industrial Inspection and Billing

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